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rails3 终于出来了




    Rails3教程系列 DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY(Dont Repeat Yourself) DRY...


    Ruby+on+Rails+3+Tutorial.pdf 应用Rails进行敏捷Web开发第4版.pdf (Agile Web Development with Rails) Rails.Recipes.Rails.3.Edition.pdf

    Rails 3 in Action

    Rails 3 in Action 2011年9月新鲜出炉,针对最新的Rails 3.1进行说明

    RVM_Ruby1.9.3_Rails3(2-Ruby on Rails3安装配置)

    Windows7_Cygwin_Git_RVM_Ruby1.9.3_Rails3_MongoD B_Nginx_Unicorn_Rspec_Guard_Spork(2-Ruby on Rails3 安装配置

    Rails3消息队列系统 Sidekiq

    Rails3消息队列系统 Sidekiq



    centOS Rails3环境搭建

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    rails常用命令,例如新建rails项目,新建controller、model 等等

    Rails3的ActiveRecord 查询API.doc

    Rails3的ActiveRecord 查询API.doc

    turbo-sprockets-rails3, 加速你的Rails 3资产.zip

    turbo-sprockets-rails3, 加速你的Rails 3资产 用于 Rails 3.2.x的涡轮链轮 通过只根据源文件的哈希来重新编译已经更改的资产,从而加快 Rails 3 rake assets:precompile的速度只编译一次以生成指纹和非打印的资产...

    The Rails 3 Way(2nd)

    The Rails™ 3 Way is a comprehensive resource that digs into the new features in Rails 3 and perhaps more importantly, the rationale behind them. —Yehuda Katz, Rails Core The Bible for Ruby on ...

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    ruby on rails开发的初学者很适合的工具书,易上手,很实用,

    The Rails3 Way, 2nd Edition

    The Rails™ 3 Way is the only comprehensive, authoritative guide to delivering production-quality code with Rails 3. Pioneering Rails expert Obie Fernandez and a team of leading experts illuminate ...

    [Rails] Crafting Rails Applications (英文版)

    This pioneering book is the first resource that deep dives into the new Rails 3 APIs and shows you how use them to write better web applications and make your day-to-day work with Rails more ...

    jquery-rails, 一个 gem,用于自动使用jQuery和 Rails 3.zip

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    Bootstrap for Rails (2015)

    Bootstrap 3 和 Rails 4(样例用的是Ruby 2.1.1,Rails 4.1.4) Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Introducing Web Application Development in Rails 7 Why Bootstrap with Rails? 8 Setting up a Todo ...

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